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Fair Play


The league administration has the right to decide outside or even against the rulebook in special cases to guarantee fair play.

General Rules

Every participant has to behave with respect towards the representatives of the Worldchamps, press, viewers, partners, and other players. The participants are requested to represent esports, the Worldchamps, and their sponsors honorably. This applies to behavior in-game and also in chats, messengers, comments, and other media. We expect players to conduct themselves according to the following values:

Participants must not engage in harassment or hate speech in any form. This includes, but is not limited to:

Please refer to the AnyKey Keystone Code to learn more about good sporting behavior. Refer to the Code of Conduct for detailed conduct rules and penalties.

Violation of this code of conduct will result in possible exclusion of the offending player from current tournaments in which they are participating and may result in additional penalties thereafter and also lose their right to receive any winnings. In the case of repeated or extreme violations, penalties may include disqualification or banning from future Worldchamps events.

Insults and Offensive Behaviour

All insults that happen during a Worldchamps match or on the Worldchamps platform may be punished. This includes but is not limited to in-game chat of the corresponding game, guestbooks, forums, match or news comments, Worldchamps messages, match chat, and game IDs. Insults that happen on external messengers are not taken into account.

Penalties are no longer limited to Penalty Points and barrages but may also contain the following depending on the incident, location, and frequency of the insult:

Insults or inappropriate behavior towards Worldchamps employees may be punished in other ways:


It is the responsibility of each player to ensure their account is secure at all times. Players should take necessary precautions to protect their accounts from unauthorized access. This includes not sharing account information with others and using strong, unique passwords.

In the event of an account breach, it is the player's responsibility to contact the Worldchamps support team as soon as possible. Worldchamps will not be held liable for any losses or damages resulting from unauthorized access to a player's account due to the player's failure to protect their account information.

If a player suspects another player of account sharing, the player should report the incident to Worldchamps support with evidence. Account sharing is strictly prohibited and may result in penalties for the offending player.


Worldchamps.online is currently not a member of ESIC, the Esports Integrity Commission. The Esports Integrity Commission is a not-for-profit members' association established in 2015 by key esports stakeholders to deal with issues of common interest – in particular, the threat that match manipulation and betting fraud and other integrity challenges pose to esports. Worldchamps is not a betting platform as the word betting is defined as "risk something, usually a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event, such as the result of a race or game."

Worldchamps.online is committed to maintaining a fair and competitive environment for all participants. Any form of fraud, cheating, or deception is strictly prohibited and will result in severe penalties, including disqualification and potential bans from future events. Players found to be engaging in fraudulent activities may also be subject to legal consequences.

Violations and Penalties

Membership of ESIC centres around key Principles that the members have agreed and they have also agreed to be bound by a Code of Ethics to govern their behavior amongst themselves. ESIC is a historic Commission of businesses that are usually in competition with each other, but recognize that they are all threatened by attacks on the integrity of esports.


The attempt to deceive admins or other players with wrong or fake statements, information, or data will not be tolerated.

Other unauthorized offences

Including but not limited to the abusing of bugs on the website.

These penalties are at the discretion of the responsible admin and are penalized according to severity.


All forms of cheating in Worldchamps matches are forbidden and will be penalized by the Worldchamps. Players found cheating outside of the Worldchamps may be barred from the Worldchamps depending on the evidence available. Note that publicly submitted demo or screenshot evidence is not accepted in these cases. The use of programs or methods to circumvent, modify, or manipulate Worldchamps Anticheat is forbidden. Testing such programs or methods in a match not happening within the Worldchamps will also be punished.

Distribution of cheats

Contributing to the distribution of cheats in any way is not allowed on Worldchamps. This includes referring to the name, website, or logo of cheats anywhere on Worldchamps, such as player profiles, team profiles, forums, comments, guest book entries, etc. Violating this rule will be punished from a warning up to exclusion from Worldchamps.

Cheating Sanctions

Disqualification from the tournament, results voided, forfeiture of prize money, ban between 2 years and lifetime depending on age and level of player and nature/size of tournament and how the player cheated. Cheating at a professional level (i.e., where qualification for a professional event is at stake) should normally result in a 5-year ban, but, in aggravating circumstances, can result in a lifetime ban.


Nevertheless, first offenders willing to intensively deal with their situation can get a second chance. More information about the cheater rehabilitation can be found online and we believe it is a form of addiction.


Engaging in any action that improperly influences the outcome of a game or match by any means.

Match-Fixing Sanctions

Results voided, 5-year ban unless significant mitigating factors in line with the ESIC Anti-Corruption Code or, in the presence of aggravating circumstances, a longer ban, forfeiture of prize money, and monetary fine (if discovered before the end of a tournament, disqualification).


Any kind of doping is forbidden.

Prescribed medication

If players have an active prescription for a substance on the WADA list, they have to send proof to the tournament administration before the first day of the tournament (deadline in local time). They may still be subject to a doping test, but a positive result for the prescribed substance will be disregarded.

Doping Sanctions

Mild cases of doping will be punished with a warning and possibly minor penalty points for the participant. Severe cases (i.e., use of drugs containing performance-enhancing substances, like Adderall) will be punished as follows: Results voided, ban of between 1 and 2 years, forfeiture of prize money (if discovered before the end of a tournament, disqualification).

Competition manipulation and bribery

Bribing or attempting to bribe a referee or organizer or trying to manipulate the competition.

Competition manipulation and bribery Sanctions

Results voided, ban of between 1 and 2 years, forfeiture of prize money, and monetary fine (if discovered before the end of a tournament, disqualification).

Second and subsequent offences

For second and subsequent offences, participants should expect far harsher sanctions and, in all likelihood, a lifetime ban from esports.



A Worldchamps Account can only be created if the user is at least six years old. When registering, each player must provide an up-to-date and correct email address, and it is the player’s responsibility to keep this up-to-date. To play in a ladder, a method of contact must be available and visible to all users in your player profile.

Also, the permanent residence must be chosen according to the country he/she is currently living in from the present time to the past 3 months. Should the country differ from his/her nationality, should show proof of residence by sharing either a utility bill with their name, a University/ College admission letter or ID card, a le.


Each player in the Worldchamps must only have one account! If a player cannot access their account and then creates a new one, they must write a support ticket explaining in detail the reason for not being able to access the account.

Nicknames, Team Names and URL Aliases

We reserve the right to edit Nicknames and/or URL aliases if they fail to comply with the following requirements.

Nicknames/aliases are forbidden if they:

  • are protected by third-party rights and the user has no written permission
  • resemble or if they are identical to a brand or trademark, no matter whether it has been registered or not

resemble or if they are identical to a real person other than themselves

  • use names of Worldchamps Gaming products
  • resemble or if they are identical to the names of Worldchamps Gaming employees
  • are nonsense

In addition to the above, any nicknames/team names/aliases that are purely commercial (e.g. product names), defamatory, pejorative, offensive, vulgar, obscene, anti-Semitic, inciting hatred, or offending against good manners are forbidden. Using alternative spelling, gibberish or wrong spelling in order to avoid the requirements mentioned above is illegal. We reserve the right to extend, change, exchange, or delete these rules if necessary.


It would be nice if a player's photo clearly shows the face of the player, for adding anything else (graphics, other people, other parts of the body, etc.) please use the logo function. For anything else, please use the gallery. Photos with weapons are not allowed!


A player's country must be set to their country of residence. Deliberately faking the country of residence is punishable.

If a player's country of residence is changed to avoid any country restrictions or if the player is trying to fake or abuse, they will be punished with 2 penalty points. If the player does so and plays in a team match, the team will receive 3 penalty points, and the match will be deleted.


A player's nationality must be set to their nationality proven by a current passport. Deliberately faking nationality is punishable.

Account sharing

Each Worldchamps account is strictly personal and cannot be shared with other Worldchamps users and/or other players that don't have a Worldchamps account. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a ban of up to 6 months.

The original registrant must always be the final user of the account, which cannot be lent or transferred in any case. This will be considered as account sharing or multi-account and pursued according to the Worldchamps rules.


A team's name does not have to be unique, but the Worldchamps reserves the right to refuse clans with the same or similar names as a well-known clan (e.g. If you named your team “Gamer Commanders" or “Commanders Gamer” etc, that would not be allowed).

Names which are restricted by law will not be accepted and will be deleted and punished with penalty points if found. Also, names which go against all forms of etiquette and good manners will not be accepted.

If a team deletes its account because of a certain amount of active penalty points and registers a new account, the penalty points will be transferred to the new account if the team rejoins the same ladder. Furthermore, 1 additional penalty will be added for the attempted deception.

The logo must represent the team and have some reference to the team's name or to the team's short handle. Copyrighted logos or logos which go against etiquette and good manners will not be accepted.

Changing team names

A team can change its name at any time. This also applies when a team is restructured.

Changing a team's name in order to fool other teams is forbidden. Extremely long names or consistent changing of team names is prohibited and can be punished with penalty points.

Team nationality

In general, during matches of Worldchamps national sections, at all times in-game a team must have more than 50% of its players that are residing in or have the nationality of the country or countries that the national section represents.

Players in team

A player may only play for one team in a tournament or league.

In tournaments or leagues that require Premium or Trusted, only players with this status are eligible to play. In general, players that are marked inactive or honorary on a team page are not eligible to play.

If a homepage is required for a tournament or league, then every player that is on the team account must also be on the homepage.


The Worldchamps administration reserves the right to prohibit or remove teams with sponsors or partners that are solely or widely known for porn.

Penalty Points ID

If a player or team disregards or violates one or more of the rules of the league, this can have various consequences depending on the severity of the offense.

As a rule, the penalty points are deleted after a certain period of time. There are different clearance periods depending on the amount of points:

  • 1-2 penalty points: 2 months
  • 3-6 penalty points: 3 months
  • 7 penalty points: 6 months
  • 12 penalty points: 2 years

In addition to penalty points, players and teams may be barred (also known as frozen, locked, and barraged) if they have accumulated a certain amount of penalty points:

  • After obtaining 4 penalty points: 1-week barrage
  • After obtaining 8 penalty points: 2-weeks barrage
  • After obtaining 10 penalty points: 1-month barrage

Barred players and teams must finish playing their open matches. They cannot challenge nor be challenged. Barred players may not take part in team matches with the exception of 2on2 teams.

Penalties (penalty points/barrages/bans) given on Worldchamps subplatforms (e.g., Worldchamps Europe, Worldchamps America) are valid on all Worldchamps subplatforms.

Participation in prize tournaments & pro qualifiers

Unless otherwise explicitly permitted, it is not allowed for employees of Worldchamps Gaming, its subsidiaries or partners, volunteer or contractor staff, or employees that are in some way connected to a respective tournament including sponsors, publishers, or game developers, to participate in prize-winning tournaments, qualification for prize-winning tournaments, or pro qualifiers.

Prize-winning means any tournaments with physical (e.g., hardware) or money prizes. Those prizes will be offered under the How to Play page, which regulates claiming and receiving prizes. Tournaments with only virtual Worldchamps awards, such as Worldchamps Premium or awards, are exempt.

In case you win prize money, depending on the payment method you choose, there might be fees. Worldchamps will cover the fees on the sender end, and the recipient will cover the fees on the recipient's end.

In general, a player and the team can receive up to 6 penalty points per match, unless a single violation has a higher punishment. A team is only punished once per violation, regardless of how many players. Where a player or team receives penalty points for multiple violations, the penalty points are added together.

Rule violation Number of penalty points
No show Team: 3; Player: 2
Reject compulsory challenge Normal: 1
Intense (top 10): 3
Abort match Player / Team: 4
Use of ineligible player Player / Team: 4
Inactive barrage Player / Team: 3
Barraged Player / Team: 6
Unregistered player Player / Team: 3
Missing Premium (where required) Player / Team: 3
Missing Trusted (where required) Player / Team: 3
Ringer/Faker Player / Team: 6
Playing with wrong game account Player / Team: 4
Playing without a registered game account Player / Team: 5
Unsportsmanlike behaviour
Multiple/Fake accounts Warning / 1-4 penalty points
Deception Player / Team: 1 - 4
Fake result Player / Team: 4
Fake match media Player / Team: 6
Fake match Player / Team: 6
Cheating Player: 12 / Team: 6
Uncompetitive Gameplay (e.g. proof of passing ball without intention of scoring/ waiting for penalties) Player: 12 / Team: 12

* In cup and league matches default wins are given instead of a match deletion and penalty points.

Matches get only deleted if the team/player violating the rules won the match.

All content appearing in this document is the property of Worldchamps Gaming or is being used with the owner's permission. Unauthorized distribution, duplication, alteration or other use of the material contained in this document, including without limitation any trademark image, drawing, text, likeness or photograph, may constitute a violation of the laws of copyright and trademark and may be prosecuted under criminal and/or civil law. No part of the content of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, except for personal use, without the written permissions of Worldchamps Gaming. All content in this document is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Worldchamps Gaming assumes no liability for any error or omission. We reserve the right to change content and files on our website at any time without prior notice or notification.